Friday, April 14, 2006

041406 Random Thoughts

  1. I've spent the last week concentrating on making some positive lifestyle adjustments. More on that later.
  2. Kendrick Jackson is still missing. And this just makes me sick.
  3. Dave Holloway is one class act. The photos that he's provided, of a younger Natalee, have broken my heart. I can't help but envision my own father...
  4. I can't mention Dave without paying homage to Beth. I don't "get" the hate sites. Beth, first and foremost, is a mother. And I relate her to my own. My mother would have moved heaven and earth, by will or by scorn...
  5. Dompig is kin to the Kalpoes??? And to some "credible witness" drug dealer that might have been camping in the shrubs across from Natalee's hotel room? ODG...
  6. They go to all the trouble to size Deepak's car for their (9 1/2 month late) re-enactment, and then hire a non-white actor to play Joran?
  7. Duke Rape Allegations... who knows? I had a hunch, initially... but who knows now...
  8. Tom Cruise... what a loon! And poor Katie. I have a feeling she doesn't know what hit (brain washed) her. Oh the price of fame... May Our God watch over their innocent 'spawn'.
  9. South Park might have just slipped over the edge.
  10. Illegal aliens/immigrants (insert your own politically correct term here)... name another country where illegal immigrants could gather to protest the government/law en masse, and that goverment would provide police protection. Go figure...
  11. 48 homeruns in one day? You wanna tell me the ball isn't juiced? Don't get me wrong. I'm in favor! Juice the ball all day, everyday! But keep the players on an even playing field!
  12. Barry Bonds... If you let this guy play another day, you've gotta let Pete Rose into the Hall of Fame. Period. End of Story. If anything (and I'm certainly not alleging that he 'threw' any opportunities), Pete discounted his value to the game, rather than taking illegal enhancements.

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