Sunday, July 31, 2005

Owen Wilson Comes To Buddy Ben Stiller's Defense : Defamer

In response to David Denby's scathing remarks about his buddy, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson sent this letter to The New Yorker.

Be sure to click the link to view a scan of the actual letter. The transcription has typos that diminish the wit and accuracy of Owen's original note.

LC back in LB, with Steeeeeephen

LC and Stephen appear to be finally heating up in the hot tub.

If this pans out, it will mean that the year (plus some) that I have anxiously awaited and predicted the ultimate hookup... will at long last, be realized.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Tidbit from Drudge...

If Dick Cheney runs for President, Helen Thomas is vowing to kill herself.

NOTE TO HELEN: Do you realize the temptation you have placed before him???

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Arrested for PCUI...

I once took dance lessons (Mom made me) from a man who was arrested for WDUI... or walking the dog under the influence.

These poor women were arrested for PCUI!

Now this trojan horse would be 'the bomb'!

Researchers at M.I.T. have developed a molecular size anti-cancer bomb. Injected into the bloodstream, it apparently acts as a trojan horse by seeking and burrowing deep into the tumor. Once inside, the outer coating disintegrates and the drug inside gradually collapses the blood supply which feeds the tumor, but is reported to leave all healthy tissues undisturbed.

It sounds like the technique holds great promise, but I can't help but wonder how it finds the tumor and distinguishes it from other tissues, lumps and bumps...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

$3,100 more than I've spent...

It's as important in politics, as it is in all of everyday life, I've found, to put your best foot AND face forward.

So it costs the kingdom $3,130 over a six year period, to polish and adorn the freckles and laugh lines (?) of Tony Blair's visage . Over the course of that time, it breaks down to a sum of $521.67 per year or $43.47 per month... amounting to a mere $1.43 per day.

Is that excessive?

I think when compared to sustaining the Royals, in the lives to which they've grown accustomed... we shan't quibble over a smidgen of powder...

Monday, July 25, 2005

From Tour De France to Governor Lance?

Oh, please... (!) Tell me it'a joke!

I'm a big fan, and you gotta admit that Lance's body is both a scientific marvel and a modern day miracle. My helmet's off to a guy who faces the kind of odds that he did... takes them on squarely and not just overcomes them, but surpasses All realistic human expectations.

My hope is that he'll continue along the high road (grin) and dedicate himself in the same outstanding way... to cancer research, survival and rehabilitation, and to those gorgeous kids of his. If he gives Sheryl a little love along the way, I'm good with that, too.

I just have a difficult time respecting, believing in and supporting celebrities who turn to politics... counting on votes by popularity rather than substance and dedication.

Maybe it's just me... I hope it's a joke.

Strange Bed Fellows (or Happiness is a Baby Hippo)

Swept away by the ravaging tidewaters of the tsunami, a baby hippotamus was separated from his herd and in grave danger, for all the obvious reasons, including exhaustion and overexposure to salt water.

The following day, the baby could be seen, stranded on the reef. A valiant effort was made to rescue the little (600#) guy, and he was eventually "coaxed" and moved to a sanctuary. By all accounts, he was afraid... and maybe a little angry.

And imagine how he felt when the rock he hid behind... began to move away from him!

The rock, in fact, is 130 year-old MZee!

I think MZee would agree... happiness IS a baby hippo...

With all of the bad stories in the news, sometimes it's nice to reflect on the simple stories with happy endings...

Sunday, July 24, 2005

just three pieces of stone

When I think of relaxing Sundays... I think of Cary Grant.

As a somewhat stressed out architect, trying to shun yet understand the nature of my stress... I happened on this movie. I haven't seen or thought about it in years. And it was the perfect diversion for my Sunday morning.

The movie captures the spirit of my life, in more ways that I am able to explain for the moment. I found myself in Mr. Blandings, his wife, his children, Mr. Cole... and, of course, Mr. Simms.

It is a "must add" to my collection. This movie will fit right in with, and yet is more realistic than, The Brady Bunch, Mr. Ed and Sleepless in Seattle...

Breaking an awkward silence

I suppose there are several techniques for breaking an awkward silence, some 9 months in duration...

  1. I could loudly and proudly announce my return to civilization, following some harrowing experience(s) in the deep depths of Somalia. Certain internet friends will surely find that location both humorous and on point.
  2. I could simply pick up where I left off and announce the re-election of George Bush, an announcement that neither thrills nor destroys me. I'm certain, however, that only those I left behind in Somalia would find it newsworthy or entertaining.
  3. I could claim some wildly passionate relationship which has kept me from the keyboard... But even the thought makes me laugh too hysterically to complete this post.
  4. I could, likewise, catch the reader up on my desperate efforts to find cures for debilitating diseases or to solve mysterious crimes... But that's so far from my scope of capabilities, that I wouldn't be able to follow up with future updates.
  5. I could pick up with current events and ignore the 9 month sabbatical. For all the attention, and lack thereof, that this blog receives... that makes the most sense.

Or... I could come clean. I could confess that I don't really know what I've been doing this last nine months.... this and that, and the other thing. I love to learn things. And that's how I spend most of my time. I could tell you, too, that I'm so interested in so many things, and it seems that I've been so busy pursuing interests... that I've had no time to document my discoveries.

I've dedicated this weekend to REdiscovery, so for now, I can say...

I'm baaa-aaaack!