Sunday, July 24, 2005

Breaking an awkward silence

I suppose there are several techniques for breaking an awkward silence, some 9 months in duration...

  1. I could loudly and proudly announce my return to civilization, following some harrowing experience(s) in the deep depths of Somalia. Certain internet friends will surely find that location both humorous and on point.
  2. I could simply pick up where I left off and announce the re-election of George Bush, an announcement that neither thrills nor destroys me. I'm certain, however, that only those I left behind in Somalia would find it newsworthy or entertaining.
  3. I could claim some wildly passionate relationship which has kept me from the keyboard... But even the thought makes me laugh too hysterically to complete this post.
  4. I could, likewise, catch the reader up on my desperate efforts to find cures for debilitating diseases or to solve mysterious crimes... But that's so far from my scope of capabilities, that I wouldn't be able to follow up with future updates.
  5. I could pick up with current events and ignore the 9 month sabbatical. For all the attention, and lack thereof, that this blog receives... that makes the most sense.

Or... I could come clean. I could confess that I don't really know what I've been doing this last nine months.... this and that, and the other thing. I love to learn things. And that's how I spend most of my time. I could tell you, too, that I'm so interested in so many things, and it seems that I've been so busy pursuing interests... that I've had no time to document my discoveries.

I've dedicated this weekend to REdiscovery, so for now, I can say...

I'm baaa-aaaack!

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