Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Icing On The Cake: Aruba's Most Wanted!

This case grows more and more twisted each day. Greta, in Aruba for the Joran interview, stops by and knocks on the door to the Kalpoe's house. Before she knows it, the polis have issued an all points bulletin and are scouring the island looking to arrest her.

You've gotta read this story for yourself, in order to believe it!

Greta's summation, from her blog:
So, Natalee's missing and I am the one wanted. If the Aruban police want to find
me, I suggest that they simply return one of the hundreds of calls that we have
placed to them since last May. I am waiting and eager to talk to them. I just
realized: they probably have my cell number, too, since I leave that number —
they might have called that and gotten me at the airport or at my change of
planes in Charlotte and saved some gas running around looking for me.

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