Sunday, August 21, 2005

Pizza Man Bombing

Pizza delivery man, Brian Wells, utttered his final words at 3:18 p.m. on Aug. 28, 2003. “Did you call my boss?” he asked the police surrounding him.

Seconds later, Wells, who had his hands cuffed behind his back as he sat in an empty parking lot... died when the bomb that was wrapped around his neck exploded.

Six months after Brian Wells’ death, the FBI released nine pages of handwritten instructions that Wells said he was forced to follow in order to disarm the bomb. The instructions bore a strange resemblance to instructions for a local newspaper contest called the “Great Key Hunt.”

"The behaviors seen in this crime were choreographed by someone on the sidelines, according
to a written script in which the offender directs people who are involved,” said FBI agent Bob Rudge at the news conference called to release the instructions.

The instructions show that Wells had been sent on a kind of scavenger hunt to find notes hidden underneath rocks and keys that should have opened the collar bomb that was around his neck.

Who wrote them? Could they really have saved his life? Or were they simply a cruel, handwritten death sentence?

Though the final moments of Brian Wells' life were recorded on videotape, the 40 minutes leading up to his arrest are still shrouded in mystery.

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